All Things New

Post date: Jun 18, 2017 9:23:46 PM


"New Territory" This is new territory for me, updating the website. Doug was the one who set it up and maintained it. He even did most of the writing for it. As the self-imposed deadline for our summer letter approaches I find myself navigating an unfamiliar page with editing tools I’ve never seen before. I’ll work through it, but it’s at these times I really miss our conversations and his feedback. I’ll get the update done, but I’m not sure I’ll make many changes to the other elements yet. I figure you’ll be patient with me as I map my route to a website that keeps the character of the past as well as sets up for the future.

"New Life" Speaking of the future, I’ve been seeking the Lord’s directions as to where I should locate. My son lives in Winston Salem, NC and he expressed a desire for me to be closer to him. I thought it was a reasonable request. My children spent a good portion of their formative years at boarding school. While it was a good experience for them, we were not always able to be physically present at all their school events. Now, they would like that presence. So, I put my house up for sale on Monday. The listing went live on Tuesday. I received an offer on Wednesday. We were officially in contract by Friday. I believe the Lord made it clear that there was nothing here in Cleveland that required my presence any longer. I’ll have to be out of the house by July 10th and closing will be the 14th. Next Saturday I’ll head to North Carolina to look at houses for sale. I’m praying the Lord will be clear about what to buy.

"New Ministry" My most anxiety inducing uncertainty after Doug passed away was, “What will I do now?” Although it’s only been a little more than a month, the desire to figure what my role in ministry will be is strong. Some may think it’s too soon. It may be, but one thing I know; the Lord called me to missions before I knew Doug. I believe He still has work for me to do in Brazil. Currently, I’m communicating with colleagues on the field and the administrator for Latin America as to possibilities for a hybrid ministry. Logistically, this would mean I would be based here in the US, but working on projects for Brazil, its missionaries and its national entities remotely. There would also exist the possibility of making several trips a year for speaking engagements and face to face meetings with others involved in projects. Several of my co-workers have given some excellent suggestions as to where I could fit in. I’m looking forward to meeting with them in the next month to determine the details of how this would work.

"New Opportunities" I’ll go back to missionary status on September 1st. At that time, I would like to do what Doug and I attempted to do with little success while he was in treatment—visit our supporting churches. I plan to get in touch either by email or phone in the very near future If any would like to contact me please feel free to do so.

"New Prayers" So, I ask you to pray for and with me: that I’ll update the website in a timely manner and without glitches: that I’ll find an adequate living situation in North Carolina with a workspace for writing and other projects: that the Lord will give clear direction as to future ministry. I thank you for all the prayers you have offered for us and, most recently, for me. It has been an encouragement to my heart to know so many care. It also gives me the determination to carry on for the glory and honor of the Lord.

Your Partner in Ministry,

Renate Reiner