FAQ #1 - Wasn't your ministry call to Brazil?
Post date: Mar 22, 2016 8:33:12 PM
I would say this was the leading internal struggle as we wrestled with and prayed about the decision to accept a home office position. Up until that phone call from the president, Rev. Rosenau, we would have given an unequivocal yes, without hesitation, to this FAQ. This simple query lead to the unleashing of a barrage of other probing questions in our minds, not the least of which were: “Is God’s call geographical as well as vocational? Can that call, though felt to be lifelong for so many years, ever change?” And the hardest of all… “Have we been less than forthcoming with our churches for the past 28 years?”
Answer: We are still burdened for Brazil. We will continue to minister in Brazil in various forms. Our call has not really changed in its essence, it has, however, expanded. Today, God gives us the further privilege and opportunity of ministering in the lives of other missionaries, following their call, as they prepare financially to serve the Lord all over the world. This affords us some comfort and peace that we can still minister in Brazil while ministering in Cleveland.
FAQ #1 - Wasn't your ministry call to Brazil?
FAQ #2 - Did you make this decision because of Renate's parents?
FAQ #3 - Are there those who can step in and “fill the hole” where you minister now?