Keeping Busy

Post date: Mar 27, 2018 4:29:40 PM

The self-imposed deadline of getting this prayer letter written has passed. Doug and I always set the goal of having it written, printed and posted by the first day of each season. I’m trying to keep with that system, but this time I failed miserably. And while I’m not one to offer up excuses, I do think I have a couple of valid ones. I’ll get to them in the content of this letter. I took off for Brazil February 27th to spend almost three weeks. It was a profitable whirlwind tour this time. The first week was spent in São Paulo working at the press where were able to finalize details with the pre-primary materials. They should be going to print soon. I also met with the others involved in the ministry to define parameters for the junior materials, which will now be called pre-primaries, and decided what would be printed and what would be offered as digital resources. A BMM colleague offered to take over the editing of the teacher and student books relieving me to work more directly with the illustrators. This was also a blessing in that she is Brazilian, and Portuguese is her first language. She has already made many more necessary changes than I would have. The illustrators are some of our own missionary kids with artistic abilities who are studying graphic design and developing their styles. I’m excited to see what they will do for us.

March 6 took me to the city of São Luis where I spent the next four days. The churches in the area had come together to offer a three-day education seminar for developing Sunday School materials for the local church. There were about 50 people in attendance each evening from area churches. The works are somewhat newer in São Luis and the pastors and missionaries in the area have not had the opportunity to train the lay workers in Christian education. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the people and experience their love for Christian service.

On March 10th I hopped on a plane for Fortaleza. There are two churches in that city in which Doug and I worked. I had not seen them since we left Brazil in 2016 before we knew Doug was sick. It was a time of healing for all of us as we were reacquainted with each other and I was even afforded the opportunity to share the ministry the Lord has led me to involve myself. I enjoyed my time with long-time friends and being able to share what God did during a difficult time.

The BMM Brazil Family Conference was held in Manaus, Amazonas beginning Monday, March 12. It was a great week to be with family, colleagues and former colleagues again. We were challenged in the Word, we held our business meetings and even had a day of sightseeing. During that conference I was confirmed as a member of the Brazil Field again and was placed on the South Region since that is where my primary ministry is. I discussed this with field administrators, field leaders and colleagues and we all felt this was a necessary decision. It increases my accountability to the field and gives assurance to you, my prayer partners, that this is where the Lord would have me minister. I will continue to live in the US and make at least two trips a year to Brazil to work at the press and participate in conferences.

The week after my return to the US I had the chance to lead a teacher training session at Grace Bible Church here in Winston Salem. This is the church I have been attending since my move last year. The session was two hours and we discussed many of the same things we do in Brazil about making significant learning experiences in the church.

As you can see I have been busy. I thank you all for your continued financial and prayer support. It has seen me through an exceptionally difficult time and transition, but I believe God is blessing the ministry and giving me opportunities to serve Him in Brazil and here in the US. My next trip is tentatively planned for the end of October going into the first weeks of November.