Five Marys Baptist Church
Post date: Sep 17, 2014 2:56:21 PM
Since our return to Brazil, we have seen the need at the young church plant in Ouricuri. This ministry began several years ago and we have been carrying it in partnership from a distance. Our trip last week was indeed a treat as the young people from the Sobradinho Baptist Church were there to minister. This was a great encouragement to them, but the congregation needs a full time missionary pastor. So, until God provides for that, we must continue to “fill the gap”. A seminary student has made himself available to minister in Ourcuri every weekend and we will give him financial and other support. We will also travel the 300 miles to minister with him from time to time. Though the group is small and most are women, five named “Mary” by the way, we feel their zeal for the Lord and desire to grow in Him is already a firm foundation for what God has in store. They are just as eager as we are to see a full time Pastor in their midst. They want nothing more than to see their church expand in the city. They listen attentively to the Word of God each time we are present. Though we do provide them financial assistance along with other churches in the valley, they also understand the concept of giving joyfully unto the Lord for His work. The congregation currently meets in a rented warehouse. Land for a future building was purchased and we plan to begin construction ever so slowly as the Lord provides the means. We hope to build the wall and a building shell this year in order to relieve ourselves from the monthly rent. We welcome prayers for this young, struggling work as well as traveling mercies as we continue to involve ourselves from a distance.