I will serve the LORD
Post date: Sep 28, 2017 7:55:52 PM
Joshua 24:15 “…as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” This plaque hung on a prominent wall Doug’s parents’ house in Brazil. When they moved back to the States permanently they took it with them and hung it on another prominent wall. I received it when we sold their house and it now hangs on a prominent wall in my new home in North Carolina. I see it every morning when I walk down the hall from my room to the kitchen and it makes me smile; not just because it’s a family heirloom, but because it is a daily reminder of my calling. As many of you know, I have returned to active status with the Brazil field at Baptist Mid-Missions. I must admit I have questioned my decision to do this so quickly after Doug’s home going. I’ve been a little overwhelmed with moving, settling in and getting back to work. And, I have asked myself why I am doing this. The answer is always the same…I am compelled. Compelled to continue the ministry to which God called me more than 30 years ago. Compelled to nurture Doug’s legacy. Simply, compelled.
So, communication with supporting churches has begun. I’ll be visiting three this fall to give a ministry update. And, I’ve planned a one month trip to Brazil from October 24 – November 25. Petrolina is the first stop and a 3-session education module at Hope Baptist Church in Juazeiro is first on the agenda. I will give a ministry presentation at the Vila (Deaf) Church on a Sunday evening and will speak at the area-wide ladies meeting on November 2. After that, I will head south to São Paulo. November 6-10 is the annual conference for the Baptist Press in Brazil where I’ll be giving a workshop. The last two weeks will be spent acquainting myself with the workings of the press as that will be my main ministry focus going forward.
The Press has asked me to step back into overseeing the project of publishing new Sunday School materials. This involves working with writers and illustrators throughout the writing, layout and publishing process. As materials go to print and are distributed, I will offer teacher training seminars to facilitate transition to the new curriculum. In the future, I hope to contribute to writing materials. I’ll also be involved in the annual conference.
Several other missionaries have asked me to plan trips to teach women, and education modules in many locations in Brazil. Two colleagues have approached me about translation work. One is in process and the other should begin next year.
So, the Lord compels me forward even though there are times I would like to stand still. Sometimes it’s a gentle nudge and other times it’s a good shove. Either way, I’m thankful for the reminder each morning as I walk down the hall. Joshua’s declaration is as relevant today as it was when he said it. Many times, I must say it out loud. I will serve the LORD.