Where it all Began
Post date: Jun 25, 2015 6:17:27 PM
When we first arrived in Brazil as missionaries in 1987, Renate and I headed straight to the interior city of Casa Nova in the state of Bahia. Tim and Vicki had just headed to the States with their three children and we settled in their home. Renate knew no Portuguese then and she was the furthest she had ever been from her family. We had been married less than a year and I had just come back home. We began working in the young congregation of Casa Nova as we arrived and ministered there for the most part until 1995. While there, Renate and I worked with the church as we started a preaching point out in the backland. We also worked with them to start a new congregation in the nearby city of Sobradinho. Today, Casa Nova is a dynamic church known for its zeal of ministry and the expansion of God’s Kingdom. Recently, with the resignation of the pastor, we have again been involved with them during this time of transition. We minister every Sunday morning and two Sunday evenings a month. Most that were saved during our time back in the 80s and 90s are the backbone of the church today.